we create impact for ambitious brands

What is employer branding?

The definition of employer branding is about how an employer makes itself attractive so that it can both recruit and retain talent and new employees. It is about building an attractive company image on the job market. Employer branding through the expertise of BOEM agency is fully customized to enchant those top candidates. We go for the wow effect by focusing on what makes your organization so unique, letting the cultural highlights shine, and presenting your company as the ultimate workplace. It’s akin to dressing your company as a star, walking the red carpet of the job market.


At the epicenter of this magical work is the employer value proposition (EVP). This is like your company’s love letter to employees – it reveals the mission, company values and positive company culture that make your organization so distinctive. It’s an irresistible call that attracts top talent and inspires them to be part of your story. A well thought out EVP, cleverly communicated to both potential employees and current team members, has the power to attract and retain the best of the best, spotlight company goals, increase staff engagement, and even tame recruitment costs.

Why employer branding?

In a world where the “war on talent” has evolved into a “war on people”, companies must not only attract top candidates, but also keep them aboard. This is where the strategic chess game of a strong employer branding strategy comes into play. It is the must-have strategy for companies that want to survive and shine in this dynamic society.


Those who do not shift gears quickly enough to the changing times not only risk losing talent, but also falling behind in the competitive race. At a time when people are carefully considering their next career move, a company’s reputation greatly influences their choice. Employer branding is the key to not only attract talent, but also retain it.

Benefits of a good employer brand

Top-notch employer branding is like a magnet that attracts and retains massive talent. Talented candidates are attracted to organizations with an authentic reputation and a work environment where positivity floats around like enchanting stars. But it doesn’t stop at attraction; this employer branding also acts like superglue for employees, causing satisfaction and loyalty to rise like never before.


Powerful employer branding provides the foundation for a vibrant corporate culture, where your company’s mission and values set the tone. This internal celebration not only shines within the walls of the company; the sparks also carry over to its reputation. The positive vibes spread like wildfire, not only in the job market, but also among customers, investors and partners.

And let’s not forget that positive employer branding is not just good for the company’s vibe, but also good for your wallet. It is the secret ingredient for smart cost savings, both in recruitment costs and employee turnover. This means not only efficiency in business growth, but also investment opportunities for long-term business expansion. BOEM agency is poised to elevate your company’s presence, helping it shine like the unique gem it is or has the potential to become.


Discover the power of irresistible employer branding and let your company shine like never before. At BOEM agency, we are ready to help you attract the perfect talented candidates, engage employees and make your company stand out on the job market.

Benefits of a good employer brand

Top-notch employer branding is like a magnet that attracts and retains massive talent. Talented candidates are attracted to organizations with an authentic reputation and a work environment where positivity floats around like enchanting stars. But it doesn’t stop at attraction; this employer branding also acts like superglue for employees, causing satisfaction and loyalty to rise like never before.


Powerful employer branding provides the foundation for a vibrant corporate culture, where your company’s mission and values set the tone. This internal celebration not only shines within the walls of the company; the sparks also carry over to its reputation. The positive vibes spread like wildfire, not only in the job market, but also among customers, investors and partners.

And let’s not forget that positive employer branding is not just good for the company’s vibe, but also good for your wallet. It is the secret ingredient for smart cost savings, both in recruitment costs and employee turnover. This means not only efficiency in business growth, but also investment opportunities for long-term business expansion. BOEM agency is poised to elevate your company’s presence, helping it shine like the unique gem it is or has the potential to become.


Take the lead in the war for talent and give your company the boost it deserves. Take advantage of our tools specifically designed to make your employer branding pop. Discover how we can bring the wow effect to your company, with a focus on unique cultural highlights and an enchanting presentation of your organization as the ultimate workplace.

Do you have any questions about employer branding?

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